Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK combines the final two episodes of the critically acclaimed anime series in the series’ first-ever cinematic experience, delivering an epic conclusion in a colossal omnibus film. Humanity has lived quietly behind massive walls built to protect against the threat of monstrous creatures known as Titans. Their centuries of peace have been shattered by an attack on their city, resulting in the loss of a young child, Eren Yeager, who loses his mother and vows vengeance against the Titans. Years after joining the Survey Corps, Eren comes face to face with a mortal enemy and ultimately gains a special ability that reveals a new truth about the world he knows… After stepping outside the walls and separating from his comrades, Eren is inspired by this new truth and plans “Rumbling,” a terrifying plan to eradicate all life from the world. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, a motley crew of Eren’s former comrades and enemies race to stop his deadly mission. The question is, will they be able to stop him?
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